Account details

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Account details

Account name

Name for the user account


Password protect the account to prohibit use of this accounts details by others the the user itself. You will have to enter the password twice, so will be certain you entered the right password.

Account access

There are 3 types of user accesses. You can choose either of them simultaneously:

User Management

Create, modify or delete user account.

Data Management

Create, modify or delete the user's data you login to. Typically used for 'normal' users.

Other Users' Data Management

Create, modify or delete other users' data, set this access can also change the private records for each user.

User level

The user level can be set from 1 to 5. Five is the highest level.

Users with a higher level can view lower level users' Private records.

It is not possible to view Private records from users with identical or higher user level.




Only level 5 user with full access can do the following actions:


Empty the recycle bin

Backup and Restore database

Set Contact fields and Calendar style settings


( Only WinPIM Workgroup Edition can set User Access or User Level. )