Show tips
When the box is checked, a tool tip will appear when you place the mouse cursor over an appointment. The tool tip will show the properties of the appointment.
Show grid
When checked a grid is shown in the day list view of the calendar.
Show background picture
When checked a background picture is shown in the day list view of the calendar.
Define workweek
To define your work week:
Select the check boxes in front of the week days to make them a working day.
Define the start and end time.
Choose the first day of the week.
These settings will influence the way your calendar is shown!
Define week numbers
Tell WinPIM which week of the year is week 1 in your calendar, as this might differ in some countries.
Time Scale
Choose the minimal time slot you can see in the Time Bar views.
Calendar Style options
WinPIM let you define the colors, icons and labels for the different appointments in Calendar.
To change the colors:
Select the item you want to change from the Calendar Style options pull-down box.
Click the colored bar to the right of the pull-down box labeled Color to change the text color.
Click the colored bar to the right of the pull-down box labeled Background to change the background color.
If there are multiple users in this dataset, you can define a fore / background color for each user's appointments. Set the color as Auto to show items is the style the user set.
Change the icon
For most of the appointment styles it is possible to change the icon, by clicking the small pull-down box to the right of the Calendar Style options pull-down box.
Change the label
For the user definable appointment styles you can change the label. Just enter the new label in the field above the fore- and background color bars.
Only level 5 user with full access can change the calendar style setting.
Save your settings
Remember to click [OK] to save your settings