Write new mail

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Write new mail

E-Mail -> New Mail to start writing a new mail.


Mail Header


The mail header includes From, To, Cc, Bcc and Subject. The Bcc field will be invisible unless you select Bcc recipients.


From: This filed is the mail accounts you set in Mail Options.


To: You can type recipients, separated by semicolons. You can also click From button to select the recipients from WinPIM Contacts.


Cc: The Cc recipients will get the mail, and Cc recipients mail address will be shown in the email.


Bcc: The Bcc recipients will get the mail, but Bcc recipients mail address will NOT be shown in the email.


Subject: Mail title.


Edit Mail


When you choose to write a HTML format mail, you can use the tools on the edit toolbar to edit rich HTML format mail.





You can attach pictures, sounds, and all kinds of files in your email.


When writing mail, click Attach button to add attachments.


After you add the attachments, these files will be shown at the  bottom of the email. If you want to remove the attachments, right click the attachments and select Del.


Insert Signature


When you write a mail, click Signature button to insert the signature you set in Mail Options.



See Also:


Using Mail Module


Spell Check


Customize Emotio