Spell Check



Spell Check

When you write English e-mail, diary and rich-text note, WinPIM can help you check the spell, and give you the suggestions.


Click Spell Check button in the toolbar. The Spell Check window will pop up and try to find a wrong spelled word.



Ignore: Skips this occurrence of the unknown word without correcting it and continues the spell check.


Ignore All: Skips the unknown word and all future occurrences of the word. Applies for the current spell check session only.


Change: Changes this occurrence of the unknown word and continues with the spell check. You can type a word manually in the Change To: field or click on a word in the Suggestions: list.


Change All: Changes both this occurrence and all future occurrences of the unknown word without prompting for confirmation. Applies for the current spell check session only.


Add: Adds the unknown word to the current custom dictionary. The added words will be saved in 'MyDict.txt' file in WinPIM program folder.


Suggest: Find suggestions in the Change To field and list in Suggestions list.