Contact Relationship Map
WinPIM Software not only save the phone
numbers and address, but also can find the
relationship between these contacts.
For example,
I need to find a lawyer, but I did not know any lawyer,
I know Jack, and he knows a good lawyer, so I can find
Jack to let me know that lawyer.
With WinPIM you
can simply add a relation between 2 people, then WinPIM
can create Relationship Map for you. Easy and Powerful!
This is just one important features of WinPIM.
WinPIM is an all-in-one Personal Information Manager.
Click to see all the features.
See Also on Wiki:
Six Degrees of Separation
Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the
"Human Web") refers to the idea that everyone is on
average approximately six steps away from any other
person on Earth, so that a chain of, "a friend of a
friend" statements can be made, on average, to connect
any two people in six steps or fewer.