WinPIM Server

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WinPIM  Server

WinPIM  Server can help you share information easily within LAN or over the internet. It also provides a very safe information sharing solution.

Why Use WinPIM Server?

Share information with users outside your office via internet.

Do NOT share Data Folder with other computers, so users on other computers can NOT DELETE data files directly, it can also avoid attacking of network viruses.

With Server, all changes will be refreshed on each client simultaneously.


3 Steps to set up the WinPIM Data Server

1) Choose your server computer, Install WinPIM Data Server on your server computer. You should also go to Windows Control Panel -> Network, and set a fixed IP address instead of get the IP address automatically.


2) In Data Server program, click '...' button to select WinPIM Data Folder or an Empty Folder as your WinPIM Data Folder. For Example:'C:\WinPIM Data'. (Do not select your Private Folder as WinPIM Server Data Folder.) Click 'Start Service' button. Write down the Server Info for other client computers.


3) On other client PCs in the LAN, install WinPIM.

   3.1) Run WinPIM, in WinPIM Login window, select Change Login Location -> Select Shared Data Server Data Server.

   3.2) Input your Server IP address Info you get in Step 2.

   3.3) Then you can login WinPIM as usual.



Note: If you installed Internet Firewall on your server PC, you should allow Data Server program access internet and act as a Server program.


WinPIM Server will create a Windows Service, so when your Server Computer is power on, you do not need to Login your Windows Account, or you can Log Off your  windows account, WinPIM Server will work.


How To access WinPIM Data Server via Internet?


If your server computer connected internet directly and have a fixed internet IP address, you can access the server directly.


If your server computer is in a LAN, and it connect the internet via a router. You need to setup your router in one of the following ways:


1. Set your server computer as DMZ .

2. Setup virtual server, map the Server computer's port.


In WinPIM Data Server Program, Setup Internet Login information, include Login Mail address and Password.


In WinPIM client computer, select Change Login Location -> Select Shared Data Server Data Server. Then select Login Internet Data Server, then enter Login Mail address and Password. Then you can login WinPIM as usual.


Please visit to download and try full functional WinPIM Data Server. The server has NO users limit. You can use  WinPIM Workgroup Edition as the server's Client program.


Run multi-instance of WinPIM Server


Run 'ServiceInstance.exe' in your WinPIM Server program folder. You can open another WinPIM Server instance, set the WinPIM Data Folder and Server Port to Start service.


Allow or Limit IP Access


User Windows Firewall or other Firewall software to Allow or Limit 'WinPIMService.exe' and 'ServiceInstance.exe' IP Access.


See Also:

Share Information Over LAN or via Internet