WinPIM History
WinPIM v18.21 (2025/1/15)
1. Fix WinPIM Clooud sync problems.
2. Fix WinPIM Clooud account sync with Android problem.
3. Some minor improvements.
4. Fix multiple discovered issues.
WinPIM v18.20 (2024/12/16)
1. Supports calendar contact synchronization for QQ email and lunar calendar.
2. Integrate WinPIM cloud to cloud platforms such as Google, Apple and QQ.
3. Cloud accounts can be temporarily suspended and support proxy servers.
4. Some minor improvements.
5. Fix multiple discovered issues.
WinPIM v18.11 (2024/11/1)
1. Support web authorization for Microsoft email accounts.
2. Enhance the stability of server mode.
3. Fix a CalDav Sync bug.
4. Some minor improvements.
5. Fix multiple discovered issues.
WinPIM v18.10 (2024/9/23)
1. WinPIM Personal edition can also synchronize data with the Android version.
2. The search function status can be saved and restored.
3. Some minor improvements.
4. Fix multiple discovered issues.
WinPIM v18.0 (2024/8/19)
1. New system style interface and icons.
2. Email supports OpenPGP encryption.
3. Emails support digital signatures.
4. Notes also support encryption and digital signatures, allowing for separate encryption of important note content.
5. Improve data server performance.
6. Improved support for tables in the editor.
7. Improve the editing of Contact Custom Fields and custom envelope printing fields.
8. Update the framework to only support Windows 8.1 and later versions.
9. A large number of small improvements.
10. Fix multiple discovered issues.
WinPIM v17.82 (May 13, 2024)
1. French translation improved.
2. Fixed knows bugs.
WinPIM v17.81 (Mar 11, 2024)
1. Improve Account settings.
2. Improve Free Edition tips.
3. The Contacts Select window, can use Search Groups.
4. Improve Style menu, show colors.
5. Minor improvements.
6. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.80 (Jan 24, 2024)
1. New All Companies list, listing the State, City of the company, as well as the number of contacts.
2. New Company preview, preview company information and the department, position, office, and contact information of all contacts within the company.
3. When switching languages, will set language regional culture.
4. When switching themes, will make real-time changes to some theme elements.
5. Minor improvements.
6. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.71 (Nov 22, 2023)
1. New sync service, more security.
2. Enhanced Dark theme.
3. Minor improvements.
4. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.70 (Sep 12, 2023)
1. Improve much performance when using WinPIM Server over network.
2. Improve IMAP email support.
3. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.60 (Jul 18, 2023)
1. Replace the Large Icon view of the contact with Business Card view.
2. Email IMAP folder can sets the folder type automatically, no need for manual mapping.
3. Improve IMAP email support.
4. Minor improvements.
5. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.50 (Jun 6, 2023)
1. New EMail Summary List view.
2. Can set WinPIM window as Top Most.
3. Improve Calendar Timezone.
4. Can stop Mail Account.
5. Minor improvements.
6. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.30 (Apr 26, 2023)
1. New Note Summary List view.
2. Add 'Copy' menu when Drop to Note Folder.
3. Add 'New Note' & 'Copy to' to Right Click Note menu.
4. When Import Note, new Import Additional Info option.
5. New Interface Option tab, can set Item Height.
6. Better support high DPI.
7. Improve Rich text editor.
8. Minor improvements.
9. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.22 (Mar 1, 2023)
1. Improve Mail account settings, try set it automatically, and simplified the steps.
2. Note add 'Save & New' tool.
3. When import CSV, support Tab separated TSV format file.
4. Add 'Go to date' in small calendar in navigate Right click menu.
5. Minor improvements.
6. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.21 (Jan 9, 2023)
1. Support Import/Export template.
2. Improve IMAP mail support.
3. Improve High DPI support.
4. Improve mail and note display.
5. Minor improvements.
6. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.20 (Nov 22, 2022)
1.Reminder support high DPI. 2.Improve screen shot image quality. 3.Improve Spam mail study. 4.Fix Mail Rule problem. 5.Several small improvements. 6.Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.10 (Sep 26, 2022)
1. Redesigned Template supports email templates, note templates, and Mail Merge templates. Mail Merge no longer require Micosoft Word. 2. Can Print summary in Contact. 3. Tasks and appointment windows, support for emailing associated contacts. 4. Support for Windows JumpList: Right-click the WinPIM icon on the task bar to quickly create data. 5. Support for the new Windows folder selection dialog. 6. Screen shots support multiple screens and high DPI. 7. Optimization tool tips display. 8. Several small improvements. 9. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.02 (Aug 15, 2022)
1. Support Drop and Export attachment.
2. Support Drop and Export email.
3. Improve Mail Module, can show Attach list, and support create new Mail Module for multi-emails.
4. Can set Follow Up flags for multi-emails.
5. Minor improvements.
6. Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.01 (Jun 6, 2022)
1.Better parse and show email. 2.Better import Richtext format data. 3.Save last Export folder. 4.Minor improvements. 5.Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v17.0 (Apr 6, 2022)
1.Upgrade framework, does not support Windows XP. Windows Vista and later versions are supported. 2.Adapt to high DPI, lot of new small icons, no blurring at high DPI. 3.Improve the interface, integrate menus and functions, and support a new File menu. 4.Improve email performance and compatibility, support StartTLS. 5.Contact layout adjustment. 6.Change help to online help. 7.Dozens of small improvements. 8.Fix multiple known issues.
WinPIM v16.95 (Sep 6, 2021)
1. [NEW] New English spell check, also add 10 more languages spell check.
2. [NEW] Can Edit own dictionary.
3. [NEW] When insert Attach, support new Recent Files list, can insert it quickly.
4. [NEW] Can make Note and Mail window Top most.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve mail search list.
6. [FIX] Some mail picture may not show correct.
7. [FIX] Some mail date may not parse correct.
8. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.92 (Jun 6, 2021)
1. [NEW] New Attachment manage tool. Can manage all the attachments and photos in one place.
2. [NEW] Can open Contact when Select Contact.
3. [IMPROVED] Improve WinPIM Server performance.
4. [FIX] Some IMAP folder may not list correct.
5. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.91 (Mar 21, 2021)
1. [NEW] List and Groups support emoji text.
2. [NEW] Contacts Relation list can hide Auto workmates.
3. [NEW] Improve Add Mail account steps.
4. [IMPROVED] Contact preview page support right click links.
5. [FIX] Some note does not show correctly.
6. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.90 (Jan 18, 2021)
1. [IMPROVED] Improved much performance of processing notes and emails. Faster and more stable, occupies less memory, more secure data, and better compatibility.
2. [IMPROVED] Improve mail display and right click menu.
3. [NEW] Can show progress when import emails.
4. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.80 (Nov 20, 2020)
1. [NEW] Note and EMail can Save As a picture.
2. [IMPROVED] Contact Relations can link people in the same company automatically.
3. [IMPROVED] Can Drag & Drop to add attachment when read Note.
4. [IMPROVED] Show a message when backup finished.
5. [IMPROVED] Hide advanced options when create user in new data folder.
6. [IMPROVED] Better email From display.
7. [FIXED] Some mails may not been parsed correctly.
8. [FIXED] Can not Forward attachment in some mail.
9. [FIXED] Some picture in mail may not shows correct.
10. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.71 (Aug 13, 2020)
1. [NEW] Can open destination Folder after Export.
2. [IMPROVED] Improve Spam mail Study and Judge.
3. [IMPROVED] Improve Check New Mail in Alert.
4. [FIXED] When the toolbar start in min mode, switch View may not work.
5. [FIXED] Some mails may not been parsed correctly.
6. [FIXED] Delete one instance of Recurrence Event of other Timezone, may not work.
7. [FIXED] When have multi-mail account, the From account may not correct.
8. [FIXED] Some attach may not be saved correctly.
9. [FIXED] Drag attach and Drop to mail may not work.
10 [FIXED] Show Weather in Today view may not work.
11. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.70 (Jun 3, 2020)
1. [NEW] Cloud subscribed user can active WinPIM Personal Edition.
2. [IMPROVED] Improve Remove Duplicated Tool performance.
3. [IMPROVED] Can sync the latest iCloud calendar now.
4. [FIXED] Some mails may not been parsed correctly.
5. [FIXED] Settings in Alert may not saved.
6. [FIXED] ICS Import/Export problems.
7. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.60 (Feb 3, 2020)
1. [NEW] Can Sync Notes in with cloud edition.
2. [NEW] Can change WinPIM language in Help menu.
3. [NEW] Can link contacts in calendar meeting.
4. [IMPROVED] Sync with cloud edition support https for better security.
5. [FIXED] Edit Note in Search result list, the field order may not correct.
6. [FIXED] In Mail Filter view, new mails may not listed.
7. [FIXED] Some mail may not been parsed correctly.
8. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.51 (Oct 8, 2019)
1. [NEW] When import vCard, can preview and choose encoding.
2. [IMPROVED] HTML editor, can reset Table border.
3. [IMPROVED] In Duplicate Items tool, can remain a shortcut after delete the Duplicate Item.
4. [IMPROVED] Better compatibility when change mail account type from IMAP to POP3.
5. [FIXED] Serve mode: Contacts Action may not load correct.
6. [FIXED] When change a recurrence event, the calendar view may not refresh.
7. [FIXED] The time zone info may not show correct in some invite meeting mails.
8. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.50 (Jul 5, 2019)
1. [NEW] Calendar Event support Time Zone.
2. [NEW] Contact customized field can set type as Number.
3. [IMPROVED] Improve display Google Calendar mail.
4. [FIXED] Fixed some mail problems.
5. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.32 (Mar 3, 2019)
1. [IMPROVED] Improve Mail Parse performance.
2. [FIXED] Some email attachments can not be parsed.
3. [FIXED] Today view, calendar may not refresh.
4. [FIXED] Note calendar Bold problem.
5. [FIXED] Import Notes, may not grouped.
6. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.31 (Sep 26, 2018)
1. [NEW] Can Paste Text only in Note and EMail window.
2. [FIXED] When Save only in Task window, the Linked items may may be duplicated.
4. [FIXED] Selected items selection status may lost after resort.
5. [FIXED] In 'Recent Contacts' node, add or modify contact may not list correct.
6. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.30 (Jul 9, 2018)
1. [NEW] Can modify multi-selected tasks Status, Priority or Style.
2. [NEW] Can set Default Profile photo for contact, photo thumbnail support Right Click.
3. [NEW] When create a new contact, can change group.
4. [FIXED] Fixed a Calendar Subscribe bug.
5. [FIXED] Fixed a Calendar display bug.
6. [OTHER] More than 10 Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.22 (May 2, 2018)
1. [NEW] Add Screenshot Confirm option.
2. [IMPROVED] Improve Export and Print performance in Server mode.
3. [IMPROVED] Better compatible windows theme color settings.
4. [FIXED] Fixed a CSV export problem.
5. [FIXED] Fixed a WinPIM Web Edition sync problem.
6. [OTHER] More than 10 Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.21 (Mar 5, 2018)
1. [NEW] More time options to set Reminder later.
2. [NEW] Can Import/Export note group information.
3. [IMPROVED] Large items list faster.
4. [IMPROVED] Search Data Folder list supports Sort.
5. [FIXED] Note list refresh problem.
6. [FIXED] Large contacts overflow problem.
7. [FIXED] IMAP mail Draft may not list correctly.
8. [OTHER] More than 10 Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.20 (Dec 11, 2017)
1. [NEW] Can Show Weather in Calendar.
2. [IMPROVED] Improve memory usage.
3. [IMPROVED] Improve Sync WinPIM Web Edition.
4. [FIXED] Can not receive mails from some mail server.
5. [OTHER] More than 10 Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.10 (Oct 10, 2017)
1. [NEW] New Find Duplicate Items tool.
2. [NEW] Can Sync CardDav contact photo.
3. [NEW] Can change multi-events's Style in Calendar Search tool.
4. [IMPROVED] Improve Server access performance.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve Data Fix tool.
6. [FIXED] Fix bugs when Sync with Google.
7. [OTHER] More than 10 Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.01 (Sep 1, 2017)
1. [NEW] New Voice Recorder and Player to create Voice Note and Voice Mail.
2. [NEW] New Task Categories and multi-user filter.
3. [NEW] Contacts List can hide no item index.
4. [IMPROVED] Tasks list filter can also effect sub-tasks.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve Security for Web Edition sync.
6. [FIXED] Mail Merge bug.
7. [FIXED] Task Search bug.
8. [FIXED] Note List Sort bug.
9. [OTHER] More than 10 Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v16.00 (Aug 2, 2017)
1. [NEW] Notes add Module function.
2. [NEW] Tasks add List Toolbar, remove left filter.
3. [NEW] Mail add Filter toolbar, remove left filter.
4. [NEW] Note add View toolbars.
5. [NEW] Calendar add View Toolbars, improve filter.
6. [NEW] HTML editor can remove background picture.
7. [IMPROVED] Load large data for much better performance.
8. [IMPROVED] Improve single user database Access settings.
9. [IMPROVED] Improve mail performance.
10. [FIXED] Sometime note unicode problem.
11. [FIXED] 'Add to List' may not work in Search window.
12. [OTHER] More than 10 Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.96 (June 5, 2017)
1. [NEW] Can find duplicate Contacts by name in Repair tool.
2. [NEW] Calendar, Tasks can Import/Export Style in CSV format.
3. [NEW] Note can Import/Export Attachments information.
4. [IMPROVED] Improved software start up.
5. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.95 (Apr 17, 2017)
1. [NEW] Can Export multi-note into one note.
2. [IMPROVED] Improve Web Edition sync performance.
3. [IMPROVED] Enhance Database Fix tool.
4. [IMPROVED] Improve Search performance.
5. [FIXED] Fix Note Editor problem.
6. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.93 (Feb 22, 2017)
1. [NEW] CSV Merge Fields to import into one field.
2. [NEW] Note and Mail can Paste picture in Clipboard.
3. [IMPROVED] Improve CSV import performance.
4. [IMPROVED] Improve WinPIM Server performance.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve Customize Print.
6. [FIXED] Some IMAP mail may not load correct.
7. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.92 (Jan 11, 2017)
1. [NEW] WinPIM Business Edition can Sync with WinPIM Android Edition.
2. [NEW] Lock Data Folder to void data access sharing problem.
3. [NEW] Can Open folder in Explorer in Data Folder Search window.
4. [FIXED] Bugs fixed.
5. [OTHER] Minor improves
6. [OTHER] WinPIM Android Edition has been released.
WinPIM v15.91 (Nov 16, 2016)
1.[New] WinPIM Web Edition is online. Support Contacts, Calendar and Tasks.
2.[NEW] Can Search and find out all the Data Folder in Login window.
3.[NEW] New Timebar view for Month Calendar. Can also set as Default view.
4.[FIXED] Auto print mail rule problem.
5.[FIXED] Some settings were not saved.
6.[OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.90 (Sep 9, 2016)
1. [IMPROVED] Improve WinPIM Server performance and stability.
2. [NEW] Mail Rule add Play Sound, Run Program and Print action.
3. [NEW] Can Restore data from auto-backup folder.
4. [IMPROVED] Load search history quickly.
5. [FIXED] Sometime task may be marked as done.
6. [FIXED] Some mail encoding problem.
7. [OTHER] Many minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.80 (Jul 12, 2016)
1. [IMPROVED] Improve database access for better performance and stability.
2. [NEW] Appointment events can link to Task item.
3. [NEW] Add Search function when choose Contacts.
4. [NEW] Can Create Appointment, task, and Note directly from Mail.
5. [NEW] Can Create Appointment, Mail directly from Task.
6. [NEW] Can Send Contacts via Mail directly.
7. [NEW] Can Save Mail's vCard or iCalendar attachments to Contacts and Calendar.
8. [NEW] Mail Rule support AND OR logic.
9. [NEW] Drag Mail and Contact item in Calendar or Task view, drop to create new item.
10. [IMPROVED] Improve Server mode performance.
11. [IMPROVED] Improve performance when load large list of items.
12. [OTHER] More than 30 minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.70 (Jun 2, 2016)
1. [NEW] Show sub-tasks in Calendar view.
2. [NEW] Support Send ICQ message.
3. [NEW] Can Sync Google Contacts.
4. [IMPROVED] Improve Send Instance Message.
5. [FIXED] Drag Contacts or Mail in Calendar view problem.
6. [FIXED] Multi-month event does not show correct.
7. [FIXED] WinPIM Internet Server support server domain.
8. [FIXED] When print HTML directly, might be empty.
9. [OTHER] Many minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.60 (Apr 5, 2016)
1. [NEW] Contacts, Notes and EMail can create Search Group.
2. [IMPROVED] Improve base data access, reduce unexpected problems.
3. [FIXED] Fixed some Server mode problems.
4. [FIXED] Fixed some data Sync problems.
5. [FIXED] Fixed Multi-user Access problem.
6. [FIXED] Fixed some mail system problems.
7. [OTHER] Many minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.50 (Jan 21, 2016)
1. [NEW] iCloud Contacts sync, all of the Apple Devices can sync with WinPIM Contacts and Calendar now.
2. [NEW] ownCloud Contacts, Calendar Sync.
3. [NEW] CardDAV, CalDAV Sync.
4. [NEW] Add Clear button in Quick Search text box.
5. [NEW] Add Older Mails first option in Remote Mail Server management.
6. [IMPROVED] Improve Remote Mail Server management.
7. [IMPROVED] Improve vCard format support.
8. [FIXED] Import msg mail format problem.
9. [FIXED] Note quick search list fields problem.
10. [OTHER] Many minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.30 (Dec 7, 2015)
1. [NEW] Can show Contact photo in mail header.
2. [NEW] Contact can add photo with Screen Shot.
3. [IMPROVED] Improve Today view.
4. [IMPROVED] Improve Mail and Note editor.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve display mail header.
6. [IMPROVED] Improve data refresh in multi-user mode.
7. [FIXED] Fixed a Data Folder sync bug.
8. [FIXED] Fixed some problem in Server mode.
9. [FIXED] Fixed a mail list sort problem.
10. [FIXED] Fixed some problems when running in Windows XP.
11. [OTHER] Many minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.21 (Nov 2, 2015)
1. [NEW] Contact add Copy, Paste.
2. [NEW] Drag & Drop Contacts, add Copy.
3. [NEW] Contact can Export/Import First Name & Last Name in CSV file.
4. [NEW] Add Encoding option when export CSV, vCard format file.
5. [FIXED] Fixed open LAN Shared data folder problem.
6. [FIXED] Fixed some settings convert problems.
7. [FIXED] Fixed some language pack problems.
8. [FIXED] When edit the reply again, the sender mail account may change.
9. [FIXED] When show a mail, some linked appointment,task,note items may not list.
10. [FIXED] Some font problem in some system.
11. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.20 (Oct 19, 2015)
1. [NEW] Can create Meetings, invite attendees. WinPIM is compatible with other meeting programs.
2. [NEW] Add Pen tool in Screen Shot.
3. [IMPROVED] When open window in Search result, will hight light key word.
4. [IMPROVED] Improve Customize Print module.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve Search window functions.
6. [IMPROVED] Improve mail Recipients display and tips.
7. [IMPROVED] Use XML format to save settings, full support Unicode encode.
8. [IMPROVED] Use XML format for Language pack, full support Unicode and easy translate to other languages.
9. [IMPROVED] Save the Exported file with Unicode encode.
10. [IMPROVED] Improve the performance when restore contacts.
11. [FIXED] Can not show Related Items when mail has more then one Recipient.
12. [FIXED] Fix the Import functions in Server mode.
13. [FIXED] Mail Remote management, some email may not list correctly.
14. [FIXED] Contact name may not display correct in tips.
15. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.10 (Sep 7, 2015)
1. [NEW] Show Related Items when show mail.
2. [NEW] Mail Right click Menu can see mail original information property.
3. [NEW] Add Print function in Mail and Note window.
4. [NEW] Add Print function to Mail and Note's right click menu in other views.
5. [NEW] Add Show Week Numbers option in Calendar.
6. [IMPROVED] Improve Contact action list.
7. [IMPROVED] Can open Attachment file in Contact Preview page.
8. [IMPROVED] Add Reminder 1 Hour later option in Reminder right click menu.
9. [IMPROVED] Better Display in some Windows Theme.
10. [IMPROVED] Can close all the Open window by Esc key.
11. [IMPROVED] Support Parent/Child structure when Export/Import tasks.
12. [IMPROVED] Add option to allow not backup mail data files.
13. [FIXED] Fix a Note Search problem.
14. [FIXED] Fix Sync problems.
15. [OTHER] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v15.0 (Aug 3, 2015)
1. [NEW] Build-in Folder Sync, Outlook Sync and Cloud Sync. All the sync add-ons are free to registered users now.
2. [NEW] New Template tool, can Export and Import data Structure and Customize Settings.
3. [NEW] Add Cut and Paste Clipboard functions to Contacts and Notes, enhanced Right click menu.
4. [NEW] Add Cancel All tool in Mail view.
5. [NEW] Fix tool can select data to repair.
6. [NEW] Can Restudy Spam.
7. [IMPROVED] Integrate Category. All the data has the same Category. Change the Calendar view Category filter.
8. [IMPROVED] Can show Linked Contacts field in Note list view.
9. [IMPROVED] Can show Recent Contact Time in Contacts's Recent Contacts List.
10. [IMPROVED] Contact Actions list can save and restore sort.
11. [IMPROVED] Improve Today view performance.
12. [IMPROVED] Improve Search and Report tool.
13. [IMPROVED] Time Scale option will apply to Appointment window time selection.
14. [IMPROVED] Load Font more quickly and Show font name correct in HTML Edit window.
15. [IMPROVED] Map function rename to Create Shortcuts and improve performance.
16. [IMPROVED] Improve the Delete function message.
17. [FIXED] Calendar Subscribe problem.
18. [FIXED] Recurrence events may not reminder correct.
19. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
20. [Changed] Registration and License authentication changed.
WinPIM v13.61 (May 18, 2015)
1. [NEW] WinPIM Server 6.0, support Windows Service.
2. [NEW] Can Print multi-notes at one time.
3. [NEW] Can Print multi-mails at one time.
4. [NEW] Can set Line Height in Note and Mail.
5. [IMPROVED] Change the CSV Filed Map.
6. [IMPROVED] No window popup when send/receive mail automatically.
7. [FIXED] Detect and Repair: Fix a bug, improve the performance.
8. [FIXED] Customize Print in Server mode.
9. [FIXED] Quick Search Calendar problem.
10. [FIXED] A Subscribe Calendar problem.
11. [FIXED] May not insert Attachment problem.
12. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v13.60 (Apr 2, 2015)
1. [NEW] Open Attachment in Database, can Update file after save.
2. [IMPROVED] Much performance improved in Server mode.
3. [IMPROVED] List items sorting performance improved.
4. [IMPROVED] Apply Mail Rule performance improved.
5. [IMPROVED] Better support Tab key when editing in Note and Mail.
6. [FIXED] iCalendar problem.
7. [FIXED] Reply mail in Search result.
8. [FIXED] Search window problems.
9. [FIXED] Task List refresh problem when delete multi-items.
10. [FIXED] Auto-adjust time problem when create new event.
11. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v13.50 (Feb 10, 2015)
1. [NEW] Can Set Contact Customize Field Type.
2. [NEW] Add some language packs in setup file.
3. [IMPROVED] Much performance improved in Server mode.
4. [FIXED] Internet Server program communicate problem with LAN client program.
5. [FIXED] Macro may not replaced correct in Mail Module.
6. [FIXED] Note Groups may not load correct.
7. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v13.20 (Jan 7, 2015)
1. [NEW] Support iCloud, Yahoo Calendar Sync (Support iPhone, iPad Calendar Sync).
2. [NEW] Show Delete Time in Recycle Bin list.
3. [NEW] Can add mail address to Exist Contact.
4. [IMPROVED] IMAP Folder support Not Selectable setting, can map folder automatically.
5. [IMPROVED] Much performance improved when there are many Folders in Contact and Note.
6. [FIXED] IMAP folder may not list correct.
7. [FIXED] vCard file many not imported correctly.
8. [FIXED] iCalendar time zone problem.
9. [FIXED] Can not send mail read receipts.
10. [FIXED] EMail Forward rule may not work.
11. [FIXED] Can not edit mail module.
12. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v13.11 (Nov 17, 2014)
1. [NEW] In Note and Mail edit mode, add Font settings in right click menu.
2. [NEW] Can set new Time when Copy or Move appointment.
3. [IMPROVED] In Appointment window, can adjust End Time automatically when change Start time.
4. [IMPROVED] Add linked contacts in Note to Recent Contacts list.
5. [IMPROVED] Highlight Search words in search result.
6. [IMPROVED] When Find duplicates in Repair and Detect program, can show Status information, and can Find and Delete duplicates in Recycle bin.
7. [IMPROVED] Works better with some SMTP server, improve send mail progress.
8. [IMPROVED] Improve mail list loading performance.
9. [IMPROVED] Improve data Refresh in Server mode.
10. [IMPROVED] Improve Search performance.
11. [IMPROVED] Works better in Remote Desktop.
12. [IMPROVED] Download new IMAP mail in new window.
13. [IMPROVED] Insert Plan in Diary, should insert Diary date's plan rather than Today's plan.
14. [IMPROVED] Show Task Alarm icon.
15. [FIXED] Can not Copy text in Contact Brief view by pressing Ctrl+C.
16. [FIXED] Did not Delete mail from Server when delete IMAP mail in new window.
17. [FIXED] Block images outside mail may not work.
18. [FIXED] The Tag list does not Refresh after modified Tags in preview window.
19. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v13.10 (Oct 8, 2014)
1. [NEW] Add Receive option to receive part of mails when there are large of number of new mails.
2. [NEW] Drag & Drop to Add or Remove Tag to selected note items.
3. [NEW] Show Loading animate picture when load new IMAP mail.
4. [NEW] Shift+F5 to insert time in Contact note field.
5. [NEW] Add new task filter in Calendar view.
6. [NEW] Can Copy attachments from Database to Sub-folder with Repair tool.
7. [IMPROVED] Improve Data Server performance and stability.
8. [IMPROVED] Improve IMAP mail server performance.
9. [IMPROVED] Improve POP3 mail server performance when there are large of number of mails.
10. [IMPROVED] Can load and show IMAP mail in Search mode.
11. [FIXED] Data Server may load response.
12. [FIXED] Data Server may not show correct when client is in other language.
13. [FIXED] vCard language may not import correct.
14. [FIXED] Some mail can not be received.
15. [FIXED] IMAP server may not work when access POP3 server.
16. [FIXED] Save Hot key does not work in Note window.
17. [FIXED] Bring window to Top when create new mail or open associate file.
18. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v13.03 (Aug 12, 2014)
1. [NEW] Add option to show Diary in Calendar.
2. [NEW] Add Contacts menu in Task, Calendar and Note right click content menu.
3. [NEW] Add option to Hide Tag node in Note.
4. [NEW] Can select and input Tag quickly in Note.
5. [NEW] Add Forward with Mail in Note right click content menu.
6. [NEW] Add Contacts and Creator in Note tips.
7. [NEW] Add Reply button in Mail Reading window.
8. [NEW] Can customize ICQ field.
9. [IMPROVED] Improve much performance when select contacts in mail.
10. [IMPROVED] Improve Forward Note with mail.
11. [FIXED] Mail Rule error.
12. [FIXED] Customize Filed list may load many times.
13. [FIXED] Search Unicode may cause error.
14. [FIXED] Recent Contacts List may not correct.
15. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v13.02 (Jun 26, 2014)
1. [IMPROVED] Much performance improved in some functions.
2. [IMPROVED] Show multi-recipient tips in mail read window.
3. [IMPROVED] Outlook Sync Improves.
4. [IMPROVED] Note's Small calendar use Calendar First Week setting.
5. [IMPROVED] Check Word program functions.
6. [IMPROVED] Reminder head text becomes more simple.
7. [IMPROVED] More unavailable functions tips added to Free version tips.
8. [FIXED] Auto-Sync problem.
9. [FIXED] Mark Recurrence Tasks as done, no new task generated.
10. [FIXED] Calendar Quick Search problem.
11. [FIXED] Tips may not correct in Search window.
12. [FIXED] Contacts Links may lost in Appointment and Task window.
13. [FIXED] Delete Diary group problem.
14. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v13.01 (Apr 28, 2014)
1. [NEW] Can Modify Task Completed Date.
2. [NEW] Show Diary Calendar Option.
3. [NEW] Hide Diary in Note List Option.
4. [NEW] Drag Note list Header to sort.
5. [NEW] Save Customized Color in Color Picker.
6. [NEW] Add Copy function in Contact Brief view.
7. [IMPROVED] Google Sync support Multi-calendars.
8. [IMPROVED] Data Convert.
9. [FIXED] Unicode name picture may not save properly.
10. [FIXED] Alerts program bugs fixed.
11. [FIXED] Spell Check problem.
12. [FIXED] Some HTML edit problem.
13. [FIXED] Subject may not save properly.
14. [FIXED] Some unicode vCard import problem.
15. [FIXED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v13.0 (Mar 11, 2014)
1.[NEW] Merged Diary into Note.
2.[NEW] Screenshot supports Hotkey. Add Arrow tool in Screenshot.
3.[NEW] Can insert Todo List in Note.
4.[NEW] Can Link Contacts in Note.
5.[NEW] Can set Page background color and background picture in Note and Mail.
6.[NEW] New Design Note and Mail window.
7.[NEW] Mail address can input multi-contacts quickly.
8.[NEW] New design Access Window
9.[NEW] Change Link Contacts in Appointment and Task window.
10.[NEW] New design Contacts Details page.
11.[NEW] New design Contact Brief page. Support Photo.
12.[NEW] Show numbers in Contacts and Note tree view.
13.[NEW] Can Hide Unavailable Functions.
14.[IMPROVED] Convert all formats to HTML format in Note.
15.[IMPROVED] Improve Data Server access performance.
16.[IMPROVED] Improve mail functions.
17.[IMPROVED] Minor improves and fixes.
WinPIM v12.90 (Dec 23, 2013)
1. [NEW] Show Contact real name when show mail.
2. [NEW] Can Remove Font Background color in HTML editor.
3. [NEW] Right click to Save Picture As in HTML editor.
4. [NEW] Add Default Format setting in Diary and Note.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve IMAP performance.
6. [IMPROVED] Remove Mail Server management, list all mails quickly.
7. [IMPROVED] Improve some Options settings.
8. [IMPROVED] Minor details improved in mail.
9. [FIXED] Mail Attachment may not work.
10. [FIXED] May not access Sub Folder Attachments in Server mode.
11. [FIXED] Move Mapped items problem.
12. [FIXED] Mapped Note problem.
WinPIM v12.82 (Oct 8, 2013)
1. [NEW] Quick Search Current Group and Sub-groups.
2. [NEW] Customize Note List Fields.
3. [IMPROVED] Calendar performance improved.
4. [IMPROVED] Time shows in list view more friendly.
5. [IMPROVED] Add new mail's subject automatically when add attachment.
6. [FIXED] Mass data may cause overflow problem.
7. [FIXED] Some mail's attachment can not be parsed correctly.
8. [FIXED] Sometime can not receive some mails from server.
9. [FIXED] Calendar bold dates may not show correct in Tasks view.
10. [FIXED] Time zone problem when import or Subscribe calendar.
WinPIM v12.81 (Jul 8, 2013)
1. [IMPROVED] Mail, Diary, Note performance improved.
2. [IMPROVED] Calendar Exception.
3. [FIXED] iCalendar Time Zone problem.
4. [FIXED] Exit when Login may cause error.
5. [FIXED] Diary list does not refresh.
6. [FIXED] Edit record in a new window, the Preview content does not refresh.
7. [FIXED] Diary Import problem.
8. [FIXED] Study Spam mail problem.
WinPIM v12.80 (May 2, 2013)
1. [NEW] Can Apply Mail Rules.
2. [NEW] Add Safe and Blocked Senders quickly.
3. [IMPROVED] Support disc hot Plug-in when make moveable WinPIM.
4. [IMPROVED] Show Completed Date in Task Tips.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve Save all attachments.
6. [FIXED] iCalendar Time Zone problem.
7. [FIXED] Calendar does not show correct when End Time is 0 o'clock.
8. [FIXED] Export Repeat iCalendar problem.
9. [FIXED] When Save HTML format, attachments may lost.
10. [FIXED] Can show Meeting Request mail attachment.
11. [FIXED] Expand Contact Node when refresh.
12. [FIXED] Group View may not show correct.
13. [FIXED] Can not select Group when set Mail Rule.
14. [FIXED] Delete multi-items problem in Search tool.
15. [FIXED] Can not create Sub-Folder in Inbox.
WinPIM v12.64 (Feb 28, 2013)
1. [IMPROVED] Contact Group List.
2. [IMPROVED] HTML Printing.
3. [IMPROVED] Check Mail.
4. [IMPROVED] Hyperlink click in HTML edit mode.
5. [IMPROVED] Import Except in ICS file.
6. [IMPROVED] Deleted Mapped Items.
7. [IMPROVED] No flash window when send a mail.
8. [FIXED] ICS Time Zone problem.
9. [FIXED] Some Mail Attachment does not show correct.
10. [FIXED] Can not open Note in Search result.
11. [FIXED] Error occurs when Search Task's or Appointment's Contact.
12. [FIXED] Error occurs when Search All or Recent Contacts.
13. [FIXED] Sometime contact may not list.
14. [FIXED] Some Mail Attachment can not be opened.
15. [FIXED] Some mail does not show correct.
16. [FIXED] Print Page margins setting.
17. [FIXED] Alarm may lost response when checking new mails.
WinPIM 2012 v12.63 (Dec 12, 2012)
1. [NEW] Month Calendar show 5 or 6 rows automatically.
2. [NEW] Simple text note support Find & Replace.
3. [IMPROVED] Improve Mail Search performance.
4. [IMPROVED] First Week Day setting.
5. [IMPROVED] Add Save shortcut in Reading window.
6. [FIXED] Error occurs when Insert Row while multi-rows selected.
7. [FIXED] Can not Export vCard when there's Same Name person exists.
8. [FIXED] Diary List List Icons does not show correct.
9. [FIXED] Search Current Group may not work.
WinPIM 2012 v12.62 (Oct 22, 2012)
1. [NEW] Create Search Note.
2. [NEW] Delete Confirm And Delete Forever.
3. [NEW] Show Work Time Only option.
4. [NEW] Save Toolbar position of children window.
5. [NEW] Import CSV to Note.
6. [IMPROVED] Reduce calendar settings, use system settings instead.
7. [IMPROVED] Optimize codes, reduce size.
8. [FIXED] Sometime contact photo does not show correct.
9. [FIXED] Reply some pure text mail problem.
10. [FIXED] Read panel does not clean after mail was sent.
11. [FIXED] New mail will not be sent while receiving mail.
12. [FIXED] Some Internet Calendar can not be Subscribed.
13. [FIXED] Export to HTML format, the events does not sort by time.
WinPIM 2012 v12.61 (Aug 20, 2012)
1. [NEW] One click to Make WinPIM Portable.
2. [NEW] New Color Picker for easy use.
3. [NEW] Set Table Cell properties.
4. [NEW] Quick Search can search current folder only.
5. [NEW] No SIM tips in SMS Messenger program.
6. [NEW] Search in Result and append to search list.
7. [NEW] New preview list option in Diary.
8. [NEW] Forward diary and note.
9. [IMPROVED] Improve Data Repair tool.
10. [IMPROVED] Improve Import/Export menu. Can export Diary, Note.
11. [IMPROVED] Improve Mail Account setup.
12. [FIXED] Drag & Drop multi-files to HTML editor, only one file was added.
13. [FIXED] Sometimes WinPIM will freeze for a while.
14. [FIXED] HTML Editor Brush font size problem.
15. [FIXED] Contact HTML format Export problem.
16. [FIXED] Export calendar in Search tool.
17. [FIXED] Diary default date problem.
18. [FIXED] Diary list width not saved.
19. [FIXED] Default Color not correct in Options.
WinPIM 2012 v12.60 (Jul 9, 2012)
1. [NEW] New SMS Messager to Send and Receive SMS Text message.
2. [NEW] New Screen Capture to capture screen to Diary, Note and Mail.
3. [NEW] Add Sender option in Mail Module.
4. [NEW] Can click link in HTML editor when holding Ctrl key.
5. [IMPROVED] More smoothly when switch views.
6. [IMPROVED] Read-only file tips.
7. [IMPROVED] Improve Repair and Fix tool.
8. [FIXED] Can not import photo in some vCard file.
9. [FIXED] List view redraw problem.
10. [FIXED] Long diary may not show correct in list.
11. [FIXED] Multi-user Tasks rights.
12. [FIXED] Some mails can not be marked as read automatically.
13. [FIXED] Fix tool may not load recent folder.
14. [FIXED] May not insert Emotions in Windows 7.
15. [FIXED] Select contacts may has some problem.
16. [FIXED] May not share Long Richtext.
17. [FIXED] Search all mails in Search tool may not work.
WinPIM 2012 v12.51 (Jun 5, 2012)
1. [NEW] Support Table in HTML editor.
2. [NEW] Can import photo in vCard file.
3. [NEW] Can hide all sub-tasks quickly.
4. [IMPROVED] WinPIM runs more smoothly.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve List in Contact window.
6. [IMPROVED] Improve data Fix function.
7. [IMPROVED] Improve photo show in Contact window.
8. [IMPROVED] Improve Select Contacts operation.
9. [IMPROVED] Keyboard navigation in tree list.
10. [IMPROVED] Keyboard navigation in Calendar Timebar view.
11. [FIXED] Mail Options, error occurs when click Open while no item selected.
12. [FIXED] When reply some emails, the background color is not correct.
13. [FIXED] Run Alarm alone, error occurs when the data file is not exists.
14. [FIXED] Sub tasks may not show correct.
15. [FIXED] Error message shows up in Windows XP when set Options.
WinPIM 2012 v12.50 (May 15, 2012)
1. [NEW] Share Diary, Note and Mail to Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo.
2. [NEW] Easy to access Data Server via Internet.
3. [NEW] Show Tagged Contacts and Mails in Today view.
4. [NEW] Can Insert Appointments and Tasks in Diary.
5. [NEW] Open Contact's Address in Google Map.
6. [IMPROVED] Disable sound when show HTML data.
7. [IMPROVED] Adjust Sync tools menu.
8. [IMPROVED] Improve Reminder's Today tips and Improve performance.
9. [IMPROVED] Sort Mail Module list.
10. [IMPROVED] When close new mail window, save to Draft instead of Send it.
11. [IMPROVED] Improve Calendar Search performance.
12. [FIXED] Use system default web browser to open web site.
13. [FIXED] New Subscribed iCalendar items does not apply modified style.
14. [FIXED] Some iCalendar Import problem.
15. [FIXED] Old format note shows correct in list now.
16. [FIXED] Default week view set do 7-Grid does not work correct.
17. [FIXED] After add a photo, the file will be locked.
18. [FIXED] Sometimes can not restore size settings.
19. [FIXED] Some appointment items can not be deleted.
WinPIM 2012 v12.20 (Apr 11, 2012)
1. [NEW] Subscribe Internet Calendar.
2. [NEW] Can add Link and Line in HTML editor.
3. [IMPROVED] Fast date input, convert 8-digital to date.
4. [IMPROVED] Show attachment Date in list.
5. [IMPROVED] Jump to Contact's company in Company Management.
6. [IMPROVED] Set the Due date default to Start date when create a Task.
7. [IMPROVED] Show Group path tool tips in Quick Search Note List.
8. [IMPROVED] All Programs are Digital signed! Fore safe.
9. [IMPROVED] Remove Import Holidays in Calendar and adjust some Options.
10. [FIXED] Calendar print page Orientation may not correct.
11. [FIXED] May not Import CSV when default view is not Contacts.
12. [FIXED] Can not Import HTML in Note window.
13. [FIXED] Parent Task Background Color option may not work.
14. [FIXED] Jump to Today in Day Calendar, the calendar does not refresh.
15. [FIXED] Start Reminder when windows startup does not work.
16. [FIXED] Quick Search may search deleted sub tasks.
17. [FIXED] Empty Recycle Bin may delete some Recurrence Appointments.
WinPIM 2012 v12.11 (Mar 1, 2012)
1. [NEW] Can insert Emotions in Diary, Note and Mail.
2. [NEW] Can minimize toolbar.
3. [IMPROVED] Search tool and Recycle bin.
4. [IMPROVED] User Login progress.
5. [IMPROVED] No message box when add no reminder data in Calendar and Task.
6. [IMPROVED] Add User Level text.
7. [FIXED] Sub-tasks redraw not correct.
8. [FIXED] Drag sub-task may not work correct.
9. [FIXED] Find duplicate items problem in Repair tool.
10. [FIXED] Does not backup diary correct.
11. [FIXED] Sometime may not create new mail.
12. [FIXED] Mail list may not load correct when default view is mail.
13. [FIXED] Search deleted sub-task problem.
14. [FIXED] Non-ASCII chars does not grouped.
15. [FIXED] Can not create new user when all the data files were removed in data folder.
16. [FIXED] Reminder tips may not show correct when there are too many messages.
WinPIM 2012 v12.01 (Feb 8, 2012)
1. [NEW] New Login window.
2. [NEW] Drag & Drop to add attachments and photos.
3. [NEW] Remove history item in Drop down list quickly.
4. [NEW] 7-Grid Week Calendar view. Can also set default week view.
5. [IMPROVED] Tasks List Print.
6. [IMPROVED] Load Contacts and Notes' Groups.
7. [IMPROVED] Data Repair program.
8. [IMPROVED] Check new version silently.
9. [IMPROVED] Remove Background Picture easily in Group Properties window.
10. [FIXED] Appointments were not refreshed after edit in task view.
11. [FIXED] Drag Copy note.
12. [FIXED] Remote Mail Server management menu problem.
13. [FIXED] Key event in Read window.
14. [FIXED] Restore from system tray problem.
15. [FIXED] Long mail signature problem.
WinPIM 2012 v12.00 (Jan 4, 2012)
1. [NEW] Add WinPIM Free Edition to provide basic PIM functions.
2. [NEW] New multi-thread high performance Data Server.
3. [NEW] New Database for better performance and less resource.
4. [NEW] Contacts Group List.
5. [NEW] Contacts Quick Index.
6. [NEW] Redesign Calendar views, support Drag Drop.
7. [NEW] Change Contact and Mail Tag in Tasks list.
8. [IMPROVED] Improved much email performance.
9. [IMPROVED] Improved Today load speed.
10. [IMPROVED] Add Windows UAC support in Options.
11. [IMPROVED] Insert Filed name in Mail Module.
12. [IMPROVED] Improve contact Export and Print performance.
13. [FIXED] Restore from system tray focus problem.
14. [FIXED] Too much zip code info management.
15. [FIXED] Calendar and Task navigate bar data problem.
16. [FIXED] Some emails does not show correct.
17. [FIXED] Tasks show in not correct data in calendar.
18. [FIXED] Too much data in Today view may not show correct.
19. [FIXED] Calendar text and icon may not show correct.
20. [FIXED] Indent contact and mail may cause error in task view.
21. [FIXED] Drag multi-items in tasks list problem.
22. [FIXED] Mail Rule problem when Forward mail.
WinPIM 2011 v11.51 (Oct 24, 2011)
1. [NEW] Can find relation between 2 contacts in Contact Relation.
2. [NEW] New Scroll Bar in contact relation map to show full relation map.
3. [NEW] New HightLight effect while MouseHover in List and Tree view.
4. [IMPROVED] Improve Calendar performance with mass of data.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve Task performance with mass of data.
6. [IMPROVED] Improve Contact scroll bar in Contact window.
7. [IMPROVED] Show relation faster.
8. [FIXED] List view may not refresh correct.
9. [FIXED] Contact Print Options problem.
10. [FIXED] Reply mail may not correct when receiving mails.
11. [FIXED] Create CC mail rule problem.
12. [FIXED] Delete task problem in calendar view.
13. [FIXED] Right Click in Contact Big icon view may not correct.
WinPIM 2011 v11.50 (Sep 26, 2011)
1. [NEW] New Customize Print designer, easy printing any form.
2. [NEW] Can Export Import record ID.
3. [IMPROVED] Improved Export Data performance.
4. [IMPROVED] Improved Spam study and judge method.
5. [IMPROVED] Improved Mail Receive and Import performance.
6. [IMPROVED] Improved Mail Reply, Forward performance, less resource use.
7. [IMPROVED] Improved Photo, Attachment performance, less resource use.
8. [IMPROVED] Dual Screen problem.
9. [IMPROVED] Cancel Auto Sync on start up.
10. [FIXED] Diary list icon may not show correct.
11. [FIXED] Set default email account in Options might cause error.
12. [FIXED] Sort by Date not working in Search and Report window.
13. [FIXED] Mail Size sort may not working.
14. [FIXED] Set Relation to no name contact may not work.
15. [FIXED] Business Edition License File problem.
16. [FIXED] Some mail attachment problem.
17. [FIXED] Task text sorting may not work.
18. [FIXED] Category sort problem.
WinPIM 2011 v11.32 (Aug 5, 2011)
1. [IMPROVED] Improve Database Engine.
2. [IMPROVED] Improve program performance.
3. [IMPROVED] Database Fix.
4. [IMPROVED] One click to check some checkbox list.
5. [IMPROVED] Add Comma to separate email multi-addresses.
6. [FIXED] Even Cancel HTML edit, still ask to save.
7. [FIXED] Some Pure-text parse problem.
8. [FIXED] Contacts Mail Merge problem.
9. [FIXED] Mail can not be read on some system.
10.[FIXED] Attachment file name may not show correct in some mail.
11.[FIXED] Diary subject too long to show.
12.[FIXED] Some contact filed may not list correct.
13.[FIXED] Note font color setting may not work.
14.[FIXED] Task list item may show beyond the border.
15.[FIXED] Multi-addresses mail parse problem.
16.[FIXED] Spam Option may case error.
17.[FIXED] When click Dial in preview window may cause error when no Modem connected.
18.[FIXED] Today view's scroll bar may not hide when switch to other view.
19.[FIXED] Copy, Paste contact address may not work.
20.[FIXED] Category may disappear.
21.[FIXED] Empty Address information shows correct in Contact preview.
WinPIM 2011 v11.31 (Jul 7, 2011)
1. [NEW] Add Note to mail.
2. [NEW] Can set Tagged Contact and Mail in Task view.
3. [IMPROVED] Improve mail encoding.
4. [IMPROVED] Can add multi-photo at one time.
5. [IMPROVED] Improve multi-category data performance.
6. [IMPROVED] Calendar Import Holiday support year format.
7. [FIXED] Sometime photo may not show correct.
8. [FIXED] Sometime mail module may not show.
9. [FIXED] Some special mail address may not deal correct.
10. [FIXED] Not ask to Save changed after modified photo note.
11. [FIXED] Today view reload not correct when re-login.
12. [FIXED] Diary list header width does not show correct.
13. [FIXED] Note list header width does not show correct.
14. [FIXED] Mail module may not load correct.
15. [FIXED] Error occurs when export empty contact group.
16. [FIXED] Error might occurs when alarm program show history message.
17. [FIXED] Can not save attachments in Mail Window.
18. [FIXED] Error might occurs in Select list field window when no item selected.
WinPIM 2011 v11.30 (May 18, 2011)
1. [NEW] Build-in Phone Call function, no need 3-rd part program.
2. [NEW] Save Call-In and Call Out records.
3. [NEW] Create New Contact when caller number does not match any contact.
4. [NEW] Add Compatible Mode and Exclusive Mode to show caller ID.
5. [NEW] Can export MSG mail in Search tool.
6. [NEW] Can search Contact Tag in Search Tool.
7. [IMPROVED] Mobile Phone Short Message send program.
8. [IMPROVED] Repair tips.
9. [IMPROVED] List view tips.
10. [IMPROVED] Sort contact fields.
11. [IMPROVED] Include All Contact Fields when Mail Merge.
12. [IMPROVED] Show Edit Mouse cursor in Contact Customize Fields list.
13. [FIXED] Multi-Days appointment may not show correct.
14. [FIXED] May not choose one contact in Choose Contact window.
15. [FIXED] A rich-text edit program.
16. [FIXED] Address may not show correct.
17. [FIXED] Tips is not complete when Appointment with Location.
18. [FIXED] Delete By who is not correct.
19. [FIXED] Problems when the account name include some special character.
20. [FIXED] Can not modify account Name and Mail.
21. [FIXED] A problem to login Server.
22. [FIXED] Can not connect Some mail server.
WinPIM 2011 v11.21 (Mar 21, 2011)
1. [NEW] Auto Sync Options.
2. [NEW] Recent Contacts list.
3. [NEW] Import and Export Outlook MSG mail file.
4. [IMPROVED] Better support Wide Screen display.
5. [IMPROVED] Fix program can fix more problem.
6. [FIXED] When resize window, the preview window does not resize well.
7. [FIXED] Some Help button in Message Box does not work.
8. [FIXED] Add new word in Spell Check may not work in Windows 7.
9. [FIXED] Mobile Short Message program may not work in Windows 7.
10. [FIXED] Can not create new data when double click left list.
11. [FIXED] Should not open multi-window to open same Richtext record.
12. [FIXED] The tools does not show good when open Richtext record.
13. [FIXED] Login when Restore from Minimized window may not work.
14. [FIXED] Short cut in Note window may not work.
15. [FIXED] Switch from Server to Local in Login window may not work.
16. [FIXED] HTML record hide Scrip error message.
17. [FIXED] May show wrong birthday in Contact List.
18. [FIXED] May not create New Group continually.
19. [FIXED] Create Same Contact in Contact may not work.
20. [FIXED] Press Enter in Mail Reception text box may cause error.
21. [FIXED] Fix program may not work when find duplicates.
22. [FIXED] Double click Note List to create new record, the data will not saved in correct group.
23. [FIXED] When modify one instance of repeat appointment, the records may not show correct.
24. [FIXED] When click QQ number in contact Brief view, the preview may not show correct.
25. [FIXED] CC and BCC field does not show in mail window.
WinPIM 2011 v11.20 (Feb 1, 2011)
1. [NEW] Add new Brief view in contact window.
2. [NEW] Add Scroll Bar when contact window is too small.
3. [NEW] Check duplicated contact when add new contact.
4. [NEW] Clean Search History.
5. [NEW] Show Navigate information in Reading window when there's no item selected.
6. [NEW] Support Logical search.
7. [NEW] Show besides month in month calendar.
8. [IMPROVED] Huge amount data list performance.
9. [IMPROVED] Add Tasks list speed in Calendar view.
10. [IMPROVED] Show contacts more quickly.
11. [IMPROVED] Show HTML document more quickly
12. [IMPROVED] Save different splitter setting in different view.
13. [IMPROVED] Deal very large attachment file.
14. [IMPROVED] No limit after modify in Reading window, will ask to save modify.
15. [FIXED] Deal unexpected problem in data file.
16. [FIXED] Add new appointment in beside month, the date information is not correct.
17. [FIXED] Edit Richtext problem.
18. [FIXED] Expand Task may not show correct.
19. [FIXED] When Reply All in email, Cc address may not correct.
20. [FIXED] Multi-user Company Manage problem.
21. [FIXED] After import mail module from Foxmail, these module may not work as expected.
22. [FIXED] May not show Task's subject in Calendar view.
23. [FIXED] Does not Refresh after edit Note.
24. [FIXED] Does not Refresh after Move one instance of Repeated Appointment event.
25. [FIXED] After Import data into Task, the task were set alarm.
26. [FIXED] First Name, Last Name may not show correct in Contact List.
27. [FIXED] Record Panel should not list in Open Mail window.
28. [FIXED] Appointment Event Time may not show correct in Today view.
WinPIM 2010 v11.12 (Dec 16, 2010)
1. [IMPROVED] Import data performance.
2. [IMPROVED] Receive Email performance.
3. [IMPROVED] IMAP mail operation performance.
4. [IMPROVED] Better compatible
5. [FIXED] Can not delete IMAP mail.
6. [FIXED] Private items will disappear after user account was deleted.
7. [FIXED] Can not delete inputted family relation in Contact window.
8. [FIXED] Can not move group in Email view.
9. [FIXED] Can not find unused attachments in database with Repair tool.
10. [FIXED] Can not refresh node when IMAP mail is read.
11. [FIXED] Can not show sub-group in Email view.
12. [FIXED] Does not clean template files.
13. [FIXED] When collapse tasks, the last sub-item may not be collapsed.
14. [FIXED] Very slow when switch tab in contact Print window.
15. [FIXED] Fix some compatible problem with some Input Method.
16. [FIXED] After delete one instance of repeat event, the reminder program still reminder it.
17. [FIXED] Sometime problem occurs when create new group.
18. [FIXED] When select date which not in main month, the data information may not show correct.
19. [FIXED] After delete parent task, the reminder program still reminder it's sub-tasks.
20. [FIXED] WinPIM Event Sound.
21. [FIXED] Email field menu program in Contact window.
22. [FIXED] Error occurs when delete one instance of multi-day repeat event.
23. [FIXED] Does not refresh Note view when add or remove map record.
24. [FIXED] Can not click 'Share Data' tip in Login window.
25. [FIXED] Sometimes can not Login.
26. [FIXED] Sometimes duplicated emails will be received.
27. [FIXED] Can not login some IMAP server.
28. [FIXED] The Task list header does not reload after switch user account.
WinPIM 2010 v11.11 (Nov 1, 2010)
1. [NEW] Sound Recording. You can record sound in Diary, Note, and EMail, in MP3 format.
2. [NEW] Auto Resize Option. Can resize by Font or Display Resolution.
3. [IMPROVED] Mail Signature Management.
4. [IMPROVED] Import data performance.
5. [IMPROVED] Program startup speed.
6. [IMPROVED] Can add multi-contacts at one time in Contact Relation.
7. [IMPROVED] Help File Documents.
8. [FIXED] Spam study problem.
9. [FIXED] Contact field in Appointment and Task windows should be read-only.
10. [FIXED] Can not save Note view.
11. [FIXED] Can not save Contact view.
12. [FIXED] Sometime repeat mails will be received.
13. [FIXED] Sometime can not Right click list.
14. [FIXED] Actions list in contact windows can not be sorted.
15. [FIXED] When export file, the file name might be too long.
16. [FIXED] The view does not refresh after import data.
17. [FIXED] Reminder can not check new IMAP mails.
18. [FIXED] Statistic not completed.
19. [FIXED] Can not open attachment in sub folder in Server mode.
20. [FIXED] Click tools in non-items Task view, will cause error.
21. [FIXED] Company Management does not sort.
22. [FIXED] Attachments will be lost in HTML window if save data twice.
23. [FIXED] Select contacts might cause error.
24. [FIXED] Can not show attachment with comma name.
25. [FIXED] Mail functions in Contact window does not work.
26. [FIXED] Diary navigate calendar does not bold after switch view.
27. [FIXED] Preview windows does not show correct when there's no diary item.
28. [FIXED] Can not modify Mail Module.
WinPIM 2010 v11.10 (Sep 15,2010)
1. [NEW] Contacts Relation Management.
2. [NEW] Contacts Relation Map.
3. [NEW] Add tool short cut and tool tip.
4. [IMPROVED] Merge contact's Family and Spouse field to Relation list.
5. [IMPROVED] Better File, Tools, Help menu.
6. [FIXED] Sometime can not jump to web link in email.
7. [FIXED] When delete mapped record will delete the original data.
8. [FIXED] Spam study problem.
9. [FIXED] The Sum function in Search tool does not work.
10. [FIXED] Richtext edit problem.
11. [FIXED] When switch between Notes and Information, the Preview does not show correct.
12. [FIXED] When Save & Add contact, will lose Group setting.
13. [FIXED] Error occurs when change List Settings in All Contacts view.
14. [FIXED] When close modified contacts window, will not ask to save.
15. [FIXED] Server Mode can not open Attachment which saved as a file.
16. [FIXED] Server Mode can not open some of the settings.
17. [FIXED] Server Mode can not create new data folder.
18. [FIXED] Move the cursor in Appointment window will effect the main view.
19. [FIXED] Error occurs when right click the contact windows phone button.
20. [FIXED] Create New Diary might create other data.
21. [FIXED] Mail Server proxy setting problem.
22. [FIXED] Multi-line richtext does not show correct in Search window.
WinPIM 2010 v11.03 (Aug 12,2010)
1. [NEW] Delete Spam automatically Option.
2. [NEW] Show photo numbers in toolbar view.
3. [IMPROVED] Improve mail performance.
4. [IMPROVED] Improve performance to operate large list items.
5. [FIXED] Diary category node does not sort.
6. [FIXED] Deal non-regular Time format.
7. [FIXED] Can not navigate with keyboard in Calendar view.
8. [FIXED] Can not print Sender information when print envelope or label.
9. [FIXED] Can not refresh when add a sub task.
10. [FIXED] Can not export calendar.
11. [FIXED] Can not print multi-page records.
12. [FIXED] Small calendar does not refresh when add new appointment in task view.
13. [FIXED] Can not add new word in Spell Check.
14. [FIXED] Sometime spell check does not hight light the wrong word.
15. [FIXED] Can not import mail module.
16. [FIXED] Sometime the photo does not preview correctly.
17. [FIXED] Does not backup attachments database file.
18. [FIXED] Does not ask to save changes when modify birthday reminder.
19. [FIXED] Can not Restore mail group.
20. [FIXED] Run multi-instance of WinPIM.
21. [FIXED] Does not find attachments in Fix program.
22. [FIXED] Can not create new task with Hot Key.
23. [FIXED] Ask to Save when copy or select text in preview window.
24. [FIXED] Can not save changed when remove all photos in contact.
25. [FIXED] Sometime multi-days event does not show correct.
26. [FIXED] Sometime Address Fields order was wrong.
WinPIM 2010 v11.02 (Jul 6,2010)
1. [NEW] Quick search Information nodes in Note.
2. [NEW] Add search history list.
3. [NEW] Add Mail Login window.
4. [NEW] Support edit shot cuts in Read Window.
5. [NEW] New Google Sync add-on to sync google's Calendar and Contacts.
6. [NEW] Add a New Photo button in Contact window's Photo toolbar.
8. [IMPROVED] Improved the speed to switch to Task view.
9. [FIXED] Lost Tasks sort settings.
10. [FIXED] Login when restore from system tray.
11. [FIXED] Event's background color does not show correct in Today view.
12. [FIXED] Can not Jump to entered Date in Calendar Jump window.
13. [FIXED] Move Recurrence Event.
14. [FIXED] Can not modify Contact's birthday.
15. [FIXED] Can not open Links in Rich text.
16. [FIXED] List width not correct in Day List View.
17. [FIXED] Sometimes can not add New Category in Calendar.
18. [FIXED] Error might occurs when Navigate Diary.
19. [FIXED] Deleted and Spam mail still in Contact's Actions list.
20. [FIXED] Company information does not fill automatically.
21. [FIXED] When Save & Add New contact, lost Group information.
22. [FIXED] Lead days does not show correct in Alarm program.
23. [FIXED] Sunday does not selected in Calendar's Recurrence.
24. [FIXED] Easter Recurrence does not show correct in Appointment and Task.
25. [FIXED] Receive All does not work.
WinPIM 2010 v11.01 (Jun 11,2010)
1. Add Print Copied Options.
2. Add Show Animation Options.
3. New Tree View scheme for better vision.
4. Improve a lot of details.
5. Bugs fixed.
WinPIM 2010 v11.0 (May 7,2010)
1. Redesign in Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
2. Brand new Ribbon interface with Skin support.
3. Full support Unicode.
4. Can encrypt and save Photos and Attachments in database.
5. New Print Preview function.
6. Can add all kinds of new item in all views.
7. Preview Contact in list view.
8. New calendar navigate bar, and navigate animation.
9.32 (Jun 11, 2008)
1. Can attach files in rich-text Note.
2. New Option to prevent download and show external pictures in email.
3. Can export Nokia PC Suite supported vCard file.
4. Fixed many email bugs.
5. Minor new, enhance, and other bugs fixed.
9.31 (Apr 15, 2008)
1. New mail module, can also import mail modules.
2. Support Drag & Drop attachments in all views.
3. Can set mail background picture.
4. New option to show completed tasks in Calendar view.
5. Improve mail performance.
6. Minor new, enhance, and other bugs fixed.
9.30 (Mar 5, 2008)
1. Remote Mail Server management.
2. New Mail Rule to organize your incoming emails automatically.
3. Can set WinPIM as default mail program for Windows system.
4. Show tasks style in Calendar list view.
5. Minor new, enhance, and other bugs fixed.
9.20 (Jan 2, 2008)
1. Caller ID notice.
2. Add SMTP authentication in email account settings.
3. Improve Select Contacts window.
4. Minor new, enhance, and other bugs fixed.
9.12 (Nov 29, 2007)
1. Hot Fix: Not compatible with Office 2007 in Windows Vista.
2. Reminder will show today's overdue appointments.
3. Minor bugs were fixed.
9.11 (Nov 19, 2007)
1. Can Attach files in Diary.
2. Improved performance to access WinPIM Data Server.
3. Some Mail bugs were fixed.
4. Minor new, enhance, and other bugs fixed.
9.10 (Oct 8, 2007)
1. Support multi-level sub tasks.
2. Support firewall proxy in Mail.
3. Add Mail status tag, marked mail will be displayed in tasks and calendar view.
4. A lot of Mail bugs were fixed.
5. Minor new, enhance, and other bugs fixed.
9.01 (Aug 23, 2007)
1. Leave a copy on the mail server.
2. Customize list fields of mail group.
3. Support Calendar and Tasks Recurrence fields in CSV file format.
4. Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
9.0 (Jul 9, 2007)
1. Full functional e-mail functions support: Multi-user, multi email account, HTML mail, SSL connection, Templates.
2. New emotions in Diary, rich-text note, and emails. You can even customize your own emotions.
3. Improve server Login window.
4. Time bar: current time scale.
5. Lead Reminder options in Calendar and Tasks.
6. Tasks supports Percent field import and export, can search Create and Modify time.
7. Show e-mail information in Today view.
8. New Quick Search tool.
9. Improved much database performance, improve search performance.
10. Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
8.61 (Mar 1, 2007)
1. New Spell Check to email, diary and rich-text note.
2. Add Waiting and Deferred to task status.
3. Add e-mail module Preview.
4. Can Find HTML note.
5. Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
8.60 (Jan 11, 2007)
1. New email sender, supports multi-accounts, HTML mail, and mail module.
2. Sub tasks with indent for better view.
3. Send calendar via email.
4. Improve Diary's list and search speed, improve Rich-text note and HTML note's search speed.
5. Supports Windows Vista.
6. Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
8.50 (Oct 13, 2006)
1. New Diary Category index.
2. Improve Contact detail window, add 14 new customize fields.
3. Improve Calendar view.
4. Can change sub-task to main task.
5. Improve Reminder, can show multi-reminder window for different events.
6. Improve Server mode for better performance and stability.
7. Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
8.22 (Jul 21, 2006)
1. Improve much performance to access WinPIM Data Server.
2. Improve database performance, especially search performance.
3. Show back color to task which has sub-tasks.
4. Show photo in contact's summary view.
5. Improve company management.
6. Improve New Action window.
7. Show full text in time bar view even the event lasts for a very short time.
8. Improve the access the backup and restore database.
9. In multi-user database, the contact fields and calendar style settings will be set as public settings.
10. In contact group properties window, you can adjust the contact window's phone entries order.
11. New window mode in reminder program's alarm clock.
12. Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
8.21 (May 10, 2006)
1. Add Paint Format tool in Rich-text edit.
2. Regenerate new task after compete.
3. Restore the deleted exception appointments.
4. Set Private to multi-items in search and report window.
5. Add Attachments Management in Detect and Repair program.
6. Add Other Address in contact.
7. Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
8.20 (Mar 10, 2006)
1. Show tasks in calendar.
2. Add last modifier field.
3. Use XML format in info.ini and print format .ini fields.
4. Set Private to a group.
5. Add Right click menu in navigate bar, show appointment style in list view.
6. Modify the access settings for delete and empty recycle bin.
7. Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
8.10 (Jan 4, 2006)
1) Today: Show appointment style, show sub-tasks.
2) Print: Enhance Card style. Add Label start position setting.
3) Can drag and drop tasks, appointments to small calendar.
4) Create User Group, and set Private to group.
5) Task Recurrence setting.
6) New and more detailed HTML help.
7) Improve Server performance and stability.
8) Improve query speed for 100%+.
9) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
8.01 (Nov 2, 2005)
1) New Calendar Style settings.
2) Search in any type of items, can search creator and private field.
3) New Show Groups in contacts tree view option.
4) New Note Auto-Save option.
5) Can Save Printer font settings for each print style.
6) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
8.0 (Jul 5, 2005)
1) New interface. Support Windows XP color scheme.
2) New dock-able navigation bar. More work space.
3) New Mobile Phone SMS program. Can send SMS via linked mobile phone directly. Can select contacts in the program.
4) Contacts: New Customize Actions. Can set group color.
5) Calendar: New Filter. Can set the lead reminder days of holiday.
6) Tasks: New Filter. Added Complete rate field. Support sub-task management.
7) Note: New HTML format note. Can set group color. Support hyper-text link in simple note.
8) Server: Read or Put attached files. Update simultaneously. Backup. Mail Merge.
9) Improved database reading performance, especially for Rich-text format data.
10) New Fix tool in Help menu.
11) Online Update.
12) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.91 XP (Feb 24, 2005)
1) Improve much performance to access WinPIM Data Server.
2) New list field: Created time, Creator and Private.
3) Import and Export Task as CSV format.
4) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.90 XP (Dec 29, 2004)
1) Show tips in Calendar view.
2) Open contacts directly in Appointment and Task window.
3) Timebar scale option.
4) Export Note.
5) Print US post barcode when print envelope.
6) Enhanced Color tool in richtext edit toolbar.
7) Change Login window.
8) Task list view allow multi-select items.
9) Added many Address Label print format.
10) More than 20 improves and bugs fixed.
7.80 XP (Oct 12, 2004)
1) Show other months days information in calendar.
2) Add links in reminder to open items directly.
3) Backup & Restore photos, modules, attachments.
4) Add Attachment column in Task list view.
5) Some new options.
6) Save contact, appointment and task window status.
7) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.71 XP (Aug 13, 2004)
1) Support Windows Fax Service to send fax to contact.
2) Drag task and drop to Time Bar and Navigate calendar.
3) Improve performance to access WinPIM Data Server.
4) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.70 XP (Jun 28, 2004)
1) Login WinPIM Data Server (Workgroup Edition).
2) Sort all the items list freely.
3) New Birthday calendar background color.
4) New Edit mail merge template.
5) New "Not Include" and "Is Empty" search methods.
6) Add Australia and Belgium post code information.
7) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.62 XP (Apr 28, 2004)
1) New Accessories menu.
2) Add Categories field to Calendar and Diary list view.
3) Customize task list fields and sort them as you wish.
4) Save attachments to data folder for better management and sharing.
5) Open Always-On-Top notes automatically.
6) Upgrade system DLLs (VB6 SP6) for better stability.
7) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.61 XP (Feb 9, 2004)
1) Add Popup Menu to WinPIM system tray icon.
2) Add Highlight and Font setting to Diary and Note.
3) Add Save only function to Contact, Appointment and Task window.
4) Add customize-able Color Tag of Appointment and Task.
5) Add Day Timebar print format.
6) Can save Filter Settings of Appointment and Task.
7) Change icons and style of Appointment and Task window.
8) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.6 XP (Dec 6, 2003)
1) Create and open Contact in new contact window.
2) Enhance rich format diary and note.
3) Print weekly and monthly time bar calendar.
4) Export all the diaries to one file in search and report tool.
5) Use XP Style in Windows XP.
6) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.51 XP (Oct 28, 2003)
1) New Statistic feature in Search & Report tool.
2) New Contact list full name format option.
3) Change the difference between Personal and Workgroup Edition.
4) Over 20 bugs were fixed.
7.50 XP (Sep 28, 2003)
1) WinPIM has 2 editions now: Personal Edition and Workgroup Edition.
2) New database engine improve stability.
3) New multi-users Level and Access management.
4) New Mail Merge feature let WinPIM works better with Word now.
5) New Company Management tool.
6) Can List or Find by company index now.
7) New powerful Filter for Appointments and Tasks.
8) New options.
9) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.23 XP (Aug 5, 2003)
1) New plan print page, can print Appointments and Tasks on the one page.
2) Move Diary function.
3) Apply group's settings to all sub-groups.
4) Select printers freely.
5) Increase the maximize categories from 30 to 250.
6) New reminder skin can show count of events clearly.
7) Include the groups' information when import and export contacts.
8) Reminder, Today, and Notes support mouse wheel now.
9) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.22 XP (Jun 5, 2003)
1) Can insert or convert Emotions in diary.
2) Multi-users appointments filter.
3) New balloon tips and other options.
4) Support local language script settings.
5) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.21 XP (Apr 21, 2003)
1) Export Calendar as HTML format.
2) Auto detect URL in Diary and richtext note.
3) Multi-select notes.
4) Many options were added.
5) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.2 XP (Mar 20, 2003)
1) New and enhanced Time Bar to manage your time globally.
2) Can create New Data Folder in User Login window.
3) Can import CSV format file to calendar.
4) Program default font setting.
5) Add Age tips to contacts.
6) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.11 XP (Feb 17, 2003)
1) Set different appointment color for different user in group calendar.
2) Print linked Contacts when print appointments and tasks.
3) Sort by text method in note.
4) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.10 XP (Jan 23, 2003)
1) New Appointment and Diary database index for better performance.
2) New company information management.
3) Can add background picture to Contact and Note list view for each group.
4) Can print vertical style envelops and labels.
5) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
7.0 XP (Dec 5, 2002)
1) More powerful, more stable database engine.
2) Multi-user system. Different users can share a same data folder with different user ID and different access.
3) New Today view helps you take a glance at your recently appointments and tasks.
4) Manage photos, support WinFax, and more custom fields.
5) The Categories are added to Contacts, Diaries and Notes.
6) Insert the Appointments and Tasks to compose a diary quickly.
7) New task status. You can sort the task view now.
8) Powerful new recycle bin. You can recycle all the deleted items or empty it.
9) Open database interface. The SDK for WinPIM is available now.
6.81 XP (Sep 3, 2002)
1) Display diary count in diary tree view.
2) Customize diary list preview.
3) Customize message header and sound of the reminder.
4) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
6.80 XP (Aug 2, 2002)
1) Optimized to run on Microsoft's latest operating system Windows XP.
2) Brand new real color Windows XP style icons.
3) Add or view more than one diary in one day easily. Support diary subject and preview all the dairies in one month.
4) Support Removable Disk, directly run WinPIM on these disks.
5) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
6.53 (June 28, 2002)
1) Can add attach files to Appointment and Task.
2) Direct dial or email contacts in Appointment, Task and Reminder window.
3) Merge Appointment repeat options.
4) New option prevent importing same appointments.
5) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
6.52 (May 17, 2002)
1) Word wrap when print Appointments and Tasks.
2) New Drag-Drop Copy, Copy To and Move To Appointments functions.
3) Show appointments' color setting in calendar.
4) New Mobile Phone 2 filed in Contact.
5) Enhanced Dial-Phone method.
6) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
6.51 (Apr 15, 2002)
1) Refresh Notes and Diary when sharing data files.
2) New automatic refresh option.
3) Send SMS to contacts.
4) Improved mail checker.
5) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
6.50 (Mar 5, 2002)
1) More stable database engine.
2) New XP look menu and toolbar.
3) Manage Rich Text format Note.
4) Manage Reminder skins.
5) Del one occurrence in recurrent appointments.
6) Customize colors for Task Priority.
7) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
6.02 (Oct 29, 2001)
1) New Time Bar helps you manage your time directly and completely.
2) New Mail Checker in Reminder can check new messages, it supports multi mail accounts.
3) Add new hot keys to WinPIM and Advanced Search functions.
4) Enhanced right click functions of the header of contacts list.
5) Minor new, enhance, and bugs fixed.
6.01 (Sep 28, 2001)
1) New Reminder Hotkeys allows add new Appointment, Task, and Note quickly.
2) New 'More Appointments' tag in Calendar view.
3) Enhance navigation of the calendar.
4) Word wrap in Calendar to show single appointment completely.
5) Print notes.
6) Export, show and print 'First Name' and 'Last Name' field of Contacts.
7) Minor enhanced and bugs fixed.
6.0 (Aug 22, 2001)
1) New powerful and stable database engine.
2) Manage attach file to track contacts.
3) Merge Card print style and Phone Index print style for simply use, more print options were added.
4) Add week view to the calendar view, you can even print your appointments in the week and share it to your friends.
5) Add Priority setting to Task.
6) New Note window style, you can even open many Note windows and keep them always on top.
7) New Date picker enable you select and input date faster and easier.
8) Integrate Backup, Restore, Upgrading and more wizard.
5.82 (Jun 8th, 2001)
1) Add "Interval" and "Last Week" setting to appointment recurrence.
2) Drag & drop appointment on the calendar to move it.
3) Add plan options such as Show Background Picture, Show Grid etc.
4) Exchange the Note and Action arrangement of the contact in reason.
5) Minor enhanced and bugs fixed.
5.81 (May 11th, 2001)
1) New 'All Contacts' virtual group let you access all contacts easily even they were in sub groups.
2) New Advanced Mailer supports mail module, that will enhanced your e-mail client (such as Outlook Express).
3) New multi-line tips with Reminder show today's plan on system tray.
4) New SMS Messenger can send your calendar to your mobile phone.
5) You can search anniversaries now, and you can export the search results of plan.
6) You can delete appointments from Calendar view directly.
5.80 (Apr 10th, 2001)
1) New contact layout.
2) Add, Edit and show appointments in the Calendar.
3) Customize envelops and labels print format.
4) Add contacts to the tasks and appointments.
5) Enhanced Reminder program.
6) Customize contact group list fields.
7) Less resource required.
5.63 (Feb 16th, 2001)
1) A powerful Search & Report utility provided to search your database. You can query any field with any logic. You can also export or print the search result.
2) Remove Contacts query function for the Search & Report utility can do it now.
3) Merge unfinished and done tasks list for clear view.
4) Minor Bugs Fixed.
5.62 (Jan 19th, 2001)
1) Set work day in calendar.
2) Conflicting appointments reminder.
3) Drag & Drop to copy, move and map notes.
4) Add categories to appointments and tasks.
5) Support Easter holiday in calendar.
5.61.898 (Jan 2nd, 2001)
1) Add daily Appointment Recurrence.
2) Add WinPIM Find utility to the Start Menu.
3) Add Alarm Clock to WinPIM Reminder.
4) Exchange the Appointment and Task place.
5) Over 20 minor updates and known bugs fixed.
5.60.868 (Dec 15th, 2000)
1) Multi-Language Supported.
2) Tasks list range setting.
3) Import holidays to Calendar.
4) Add some automatic operations.
5) Known bugs fixed.