If you are using Windows XP or later you can send faxes using the Microsoft Fax Services. If you have not yet installed Microsoft Fax Services you can do so from the Windows Control Panel.
Install Microsoft Fax Services
Open Add Remove Programs
Choose Add/Remove Windows Components.
Check the option for Fax Services.
Sending a fax
Attach your comments for the cover page and attach a document file that you wish to fax.
Click [Send] to send your fax!
Notice that you can select your coverpages right from here. Microsoft seems to install cover pages in various places on your system. So If you don't immediately find the directory containing yours I would encourage you to spend the 20 seconds and do a search in windows for *.cov. They are quite good and worth looking for.
If you want to send fax via your computer, you can consider Symantec WinFax program. WinPIM also supports WinFax to send a fax quickly!