Default view after login
Select the view you want WinPIM to start with.
Default font
Click the [Change] button to set the default font, font size and font type.
Resize Automatically By
WinPIM window can resize Automatically. Select Resize mode, by font or by Display Resolution.
Save Photos and Attachments
Select where the attachment files will be saved. In Database will compress and save the file in database for better security.
Tips display seconds
Set the number of seconds the tips will be shown.
Allow multiple instances
WinPIM to be started more than once from one PC.
Play sound
When checked, a sound will be played on several events.
Click Close button to minimize program
When checked, clicking the Close button will minimize the program instead of closing it.
Minimize to system tray
When checked, minimizing the program will show an icon in the system tray instead of a button in the task bar.
Require login from minimize state
When checked, your login and password is needed to enter WinPIM again.
Save attachments to data sub folder
When checked a copy of the attachment will be saved in a sub folder of the WinPIM data folder. Otherwise a link to the original file will be saved.
In the latter case changes to the original file will be visible when opening the attachment again.
Backup databases after login
When checked, a backup of the database will be performed automatically after login.
To change the destination of the backup, click [Change Backup Folder]
Create items by default
When checked a new item (e.g. appointment, task) will have the private check box activated by default.
Show zodiac in detailed date information
When checked, zodiac info will be shown in the program.