Mail Rule

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Mail Rule


When you have large volumes of incoming e-mail, WinPIM can help you process it more efficiently. You can use rules in WinPIM to automatically sort incoming messages into different folders, automatically forward certain messages, and do much more.


On the Tools menu, click Mail Rule to bring up the Mail Rule window.


To create a rule for e-mail messages


Click New button.


In the Name of the rule text box, select the default name or type a new name for your rule.


Select the conditions for your rule by selecting the desired check boxes in the Conditions section. (You must select at least one condition.)


You can specify multiple conditions for a single rule by selecting more than one check box.


Specify the actions for your rule by selecting the desired check boxes in the Actions section. (You must select at least one condition.)


Click the "..." of the right column to to specify the conditions or actions for your rule.


After you set the rule, click Save.


Edit a rule


Select a rule, you can directly edit the rule at the below.


After you modified the rule, click Save.


Remove a rule


Select a rule, click Delete to remove a rule.





The rules will effect all the incoming mails and imported mails.