In the calendar view there are several standard filters you can activate to have a more focussed view on your appointments:
In the calendar view on the left side below the calendar, you will find the filter pane.
User filter
All users are listed. Just check the users who's appointments you want to see, or uncheck those who's appointments you do not want to see.
You can also choose to see All users appointments.
Category filter
Here all categories are listed, and can be checked / unchecked to determine what appointments are visible. There is one 'special' category called No Category which stands for all appointments that have no linked category.
Show/Hide Tasks and Diary in Calendar
In Calendar view toolbar, you can click to Show/Hide Tasks and Diary in Calendar. The 'Show Tasks' button has more options to let you decide the way to show tasks.
To select multi users or categories filter, left click the multi-selection, right click to select one item only.